
In an era where user expectations are higher than ever, a seamless and intuitive user experience is non-negotiable. Whether you're creating a new app, website, or service, or seeking to revamp an existing one, develop new functionality or build an UX team inhouse, as a seasoned UX expert I am here to guide you through every step of the process.


User Experience (UX) discovery is a valuable offering for businesses looking to enhance the usability, accessibility, and overall user satisfaction of their products or services.

A discovery is a phase in the UX-design process that involves researching the problem space, framing the problem(s) to be solved, and gathering enough evidence and initial direction on what to do next.


  • Exploratory research
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Workshops
  • Wireframes
  • Comprehensive UX Discovery report


  • Informed Design
  • Reduced Costs
  • Higher User Satisfaction
  • Competitive Advantage

User Research

User research offers a flexible and valuable resource for businesses and organizations looking to better understand their users and create products and services that meet the user's needs effectively.

It enables companies to stay user-centric and competitive in a rapidly evolving market.


  • Interview Guide
  • Recruitment of participants
  • Facilitation
  • Reseach report


  • Continuous improvement
  • Actionable insights
  • Time efficiency
  • Market trends

UX Consultant

Working closely with the clients to understand their users' needs, behaviors, and pain points, and then offer strategic guidance and solutions to enhance usability, accessibility, and satisfaction.

This may involve conducting user research, usability testing, information architecture design, and providing recommendations for user interface improvements. The goal is to create user-centric experiences that result in higher user engagement, customer loyalty, and business success.

UX Design Lead

As a temporary senior-level role within a design team or organization I am responsible for overseeing and guiding the user experience design process. I am taking a key leadership role in shaping the overall user experience strategy.

As a UX Design Lead I am responsible for ensuring that the user experience remains a central focus throughout the design process and that the final products or services meet or exceed user expectations while aligning with business goals.

UX Audit

The UX Audit is a systematic evaluation of a digital product or service's user experience to identify usability issues, design inconsistencies, and areas for improvement.

It involves analyzing the interface, navigation, user flows, and interactions to ensure they align with best practices and user expectations.

UX Audit diagnoses current UX issues with the product or service.

UX Maturity

UX Maturity refers to an organization's level of sophistication and effectiveness in integrating user experience design into its processes and culture.

It's typically measured on a scale from basic to advanced stages, reflecting how well an organization understands, values, and implements user-centered design principles across its products and services.

UX Maturity assesses an organization's overall capability to consistently deliver exceptional user experiences.

UX Surgery

UX Surgery refers to a targeted and intensive review process within a development team, where we analyze and diagnose specific issues in a digital product's user interface and overall experience.

It involves identifying pain points, usability challenges, and design inconsistencies, followed by surgical-level improvements to enhance the product's user-friendliness and effectiveness.

Inhouse Focus Day

Inhouse Focus Days are dedicated time periods within a company where employees, often from diverse departments, come together to concentrate on a specific aspect of their work.

These days are designed to foster collaboration, idea exchange, and deep focus on projects, allowing teams to align their efforts, share insights, and make significant progress on critical tasks or strategic initiatives.


As a seasoned workshop facilitator I lead and guide workshops, panels or group activities with the aim of achieving specific learning objectives or outcomes. I create an engaging and productive environment for participants, enabling them to collaborate, learn, and problem-solve effectively.

I facilitate all topics and formats, ensuring that participants achieve the desired outcomes and take away valuable knowledge or skills from the experience.

UX Training

Trainings in UX involve teaching individuals the principles, techniques, and skills necessary to create digital products and services that offer exceptional user experiences.

It encompasses a variety of subjects, including user research, information architecture, interaction design, usability testing, and prototyping. Through hands-on learning and real-world projects, participants gain the expertise to create engaging and impactful user experiences in the field of digital design.

Design Sprint

A Design Sprint is a structured, time-bound process used by teams to quickly tackle and solve complex problems related to product design, user experience, and innovation. It typically spans around 5 days and involves cross-functional collaboration.

The primary goal of a Design Sprint is to rapidly ideate, prototype, and test potential solutions to a specific challenge. The process involves several stages, including problem definition, ideation, sketching, prototyping, and user testing.

By the end of the sprint, teams aim to have a validated prototype and a clearer understanding of the problem space, which can then be used to guide further development and decision-making.


A Hackathon, also known as a codefest or hack day, is an event where individuals or teams gather for a short and intensive period, often ranging from a few hours to a few days, to collaboratively develop innovative solutions, typically in the context of software or technology.

The primary goal of a Hackathon is to encourage creativity, rapid development, and problem-solving. Participants work on projects that can include software development, hardware projects, data analysis, and more.

Hackathons often have a competitive aspect, where projects are presented and judged at the end of the event. The main focus is on creating functional prototypes or proof-of-concept solutions within a limited timeframe.